God vs Lord
God is Lord, but Lord is not God. (work in progress)
Do you know the difference between God and Lord? Did you know God, god, Lord God and Lord are four different titles with significantly different meanings. Just because we don’t know the meaning of the title, doesn’t mean that they don’t hold power over us.
As you can see in the picture. The word Lord is a synonym for the word Master. Just like the word Garden is a synonym for the word plantation.
Selective word choices have motives and meaning behind them. We need to know about these meanings in order to truly understand the underlying messages in the scriptures.
There are many entendres, many layers to unpack in a single word in a biblical sentence.
The garden of Eden for example, we know it was a vast partition of land, because there were multiple trees. Meaning it would be more accurately described as a plantation than a garden in reality. Because a garden by definition is a small piece of the ground, and a plantation is an estate where the crops are cultivated by residential labor. Plantation is a give away, and garden soften the way the story is perceived.
Adam was the man tilling the ground in the garden of Eden. He was a able to hid himself from his Lord among the trees. Verse 8 Adam heard the lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Have you ever wonder, why the narrator took the time to include in the cool of the day. Just like a taskmaster does trying to avoid the sweltering southern heat. Adam became sovereign after he was “sent” out from the garden, to work the land from where he was taken.
Adams crime? Most are taught to think, for his disobedience. Again let me remind you of a recent reality, when slavery was legal and teaching a slave was illegal.
Do not forget that religion was the right hand of conquest they are the reconnaissance, and the inquisition practitioners against renaissance. They are anti enlightenment, the demonized light sources.
Disobeying the public law is a crime, and sin is the term used for crime in Caucasian religious institutions, meaning the disobedience to or disbelief in the lords law.
The narrative is Adam heeding his wife and partaking in the fruits of knowledge on the lord's property got them cast out, is partially true. It got them cursed out, yes; but the Lord agreed with the serpent admitting that man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And therefore unfit for his prior purpose.
I’m sure you are familiar with Frederick Douglas famous quote; knowledge make a man unfit to be a slave.
Inside a dual drive computer; one hard drive is called the Master, the operating system is installed and the computer functions on this drive. The other drive is called the slave, it identical to the master drive without the operating system. It’s purpose is not for function, it’s purpose is only for storage. Meaning it will contain data and information, but the not the information that operates the computing. A computer can not operate on two masters.
Slavery is a mentality, or lack thereof. As soon as you realize that you are still fighting for the sovereignty of your family tree on the earth, you become reconnaissance for your ancestry and your tree of life. And therefore an unfit slave. You instantly become an enemy to the state and a threat to other under the spell.
Adam being sent out of the garden tells us that the garden wasn’t the entire earth, but a specific piece of land.
Adam son Cain the tiller of that land, like his father, too was eventually outcasted as a dweller in the land of Nod, where he found a wife, built a city and named that city after his son Enoch.
In no way, shape or form is the bible writer telling us that Eve was the only women on the planet.
Lamech took for himself two wives Adah and Zillah, in case anyone ever try to doubt us when we say the bible does not say that Adam and Eve were the world's first human beings, that is a huge myth among many. Therefore preachers don’t talk about these topics, therefore the flock is being led by the blind. Being feed bread crumbs, and bits of fish without knowing it symbolizes.
As a matter of biblical fact by Chapter 5, Cains son Enoch is 65 years old, when he began walking with God for 300 years after he begat Methuselah.
Not a bad deal, except for the fact that Enoch only lived 365 years.
365 years, he was the only man mentioned in that time to have lived such a short life, by a longshot. Half the lifespan of everyone before him, who lived between Lamech's 777 years (which has meaning) and Adams 930 years. Only after Enoch, is when Noah broke Adams record of 930 years for the longest lifespan with 950 years.
Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 and 3 are extremely important verses to not miss out on.
The words are specific, every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. Pleasant to the sights suggest flowers. And good for food means vegetables, fruits, grains and herbs. In other words this is a poetic way of saying cash crops specifically; not the jungle, not the forest, and not the savannah.
The tree of life; is a separate matter from these other trees, but it was also in the garden as with the tree of knowledge. (Good and bad represents night and day and negative and positive forces of power. The fact of nature is, there is not one without the other). Light is as blinding as darkness without shade being the definition to what shines. But, in stories and allegories dramas, captures the audience and the thrill keeps their attentions. So the evil is used, because there are those who rule by deception, and is in opposition with the historical truth of natural human history.
These words are used very precisely, and very purposefully by the early English religious translators.
They used specific English words to articulate a hidden narrative specifically to promote the western European agenda. There agenda is simple. World domination. To conquer and harvest the fruits of the earth, for their own bloodline.
The spoils of the Spanish conquest of the Americas and Africa, went primarily to the Roman Catholic church. Wherever you go that has been colonized by western europe there are alway two things are present, religious structures in prominent places and the impoverishment of melanated people both native and imported labor.
She is the church,the woman personified in the revelations, who bore the offspring of modern religions; both the sun and the moon. The offspring of the original Hebraic rituals, brought into Africa to subversively colonize it.
She, the one who came impregnated and bore a son who the beast sought to destroy in order to replace God's authority on earth, because it is written that the beasts power will be for a short time. Rev 12:12
Their karma is impossible to escape. This is why God said in Revelations 18, to “come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you recieve of her plagues. For God has remembered her iniquities. This verse has a macro and a micro meaning.
Romans ruling under a more potent source of power than military or congress. The languages are confused to divide the people, in districts and denominations. Rome is still alive, more powerful than ever, and still thriving out of the same place we call today Italy.
Someone has tricked the common people into believing has fallen, that Roman rule is a fact of history that no longer exist. And, this couldn’t further from the truth. To this day we refer to Spanish people in the Americas as Latinos, without any question the Latin relationship to the Spanish and Taino. Likewise we refer to all the vast diverse tribes of the Americas, Indians, while knowing full well that India is on the opposite side of the planet. Most people live in ignorance by choice, choosening to be complicite and not asking the difficult questions.
We know instinctively that nature's deity, the Natural God of creation, does not want you and I to be ignorant. We are formed in the image of our ancestors, which began as the offspring of God.
Our duty implies creativity and productivity which both requires intelligence. We know we were designed to be intelligent, because it is embed in our DNA to be lead by intuition. Leaning on your own understanding.
Like a cat is born knowing what to eat, as the other animals on the planet know how to avoid predators. Humans likewise, we’re born with the instincts to survive and multiply throughout the earth.
Adam was formed by his lord, which is different from being created by God. It is imperative that you are able to recognize this difference; most people don’t.
Notice in Genesis 1:27, how the word created was used three times in this short sentence. This is done on purpose to confirm that there is no coincidence that created is being used to specifically mean “to bring into existence; because that is what only God can do.
Notice it does not say lord god in this verse, but only God. The term Lord will not be used until land is acquired and partitioned in the land off. Cush is Kush aka Nubia, aka Ethiopia, the Kingdom from where Kerma, Kemet and Kanaan all derived from.
The word formed, on the other hand has a different meaning then created. Formed means to be shaped and configured.
The best example of this is the Mouflon. Mouflons is the natural creature found in “the wild”. Simply meaning untamed, undomesticated; basically untampered DNA.
Whereas a sheep are formed from mankind tampering with the genetics of natural Mouflons.
The end result is a creature with a white fleece, without head protection; therefore unfit for sovereignty, and dependant upon the shepherd and his dogs who manage the pastures. In the same way human being were managed in domesticate societies.
Mammals are provided a lineage of ancestry, who exist on earth to guide and protect you until you are sufficient to thrive on your own.
Being on your own as a sovereign individual on this planet is dangerous.
You need knowledge of the good, bad and ugly in order to survive.
There’s is no point of knowing where to go fetch water that will quench your thirst, without the knowing of the lions hunt lurking in tall grasses, and the serpents lurking below. And the crocodiles that lurk in the mud below the water surface, and the vultures soaring above anticipating the savage destruction of vulnerable carnage.
Predators don’t discern from the ignorant and the innocent. They are concern with fulfilling their appetite, which is instinctive.
You can't herd cats, like you can herd dogs and sheep. The DNA of a cat is all natural, therefore felions are classified as trainable but untameable; because they are not made to be dependant on its maker, because it maker is the invisible force of natural intelligence.
Whereas a dog, sheep, cattle, chickens are the beast of the field, are hybrids in the same manner the African American was formed from the native African.
A natural creature of Africa, was taken from it habitat and imported, altered, reconditioned; a man was formed from selective breeding, the mixing of DNA, and social engineering.
The sheep is used specifically in the Bible because it is an animal made in the Mesopotamia region like the goat. This gives us reader clues to the geographics, the age, and demographics of the settings in the Bible.
It’s further confirmation that the allegories are about the clashing of two types of people. The Assyrians and the Kushite Ethiopians.
The mouflon is what they refer to as a wild sheep native to the regions between Turkey and Iran. Knowing this away gives a lot of clues to decode the bible stories.
Remember Genesis 4 begins telling us that Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain was a tiller of the ground like is father Adam.
After the flood, and after the Canaanite diaspora in chapters 10 and 11. Abram fled into Canaanite lands with his wealth, flocks of sheep, possessions and slaves as a part of his household. All these things are related throughout the bible and throughout reality of human history.
The result of Adam receiving knowledge via his wife, was being cursed by their master, and sent out of their lord's garden to work the land from where “he was taken”.
It’s important to acknowledge the word taken.
This is to confirm the word took used in chapter 2:15, that Adam was indeed “taken” or captured and then formed into his lords laborer until his enlightenment.
Later in Genesis 5, Enoch will keep this tradition of Cains.
Another point we cannot over look here, is the characteristics of Adams master who was keeping Adam from the knowledge that would set him free. And cursed Adam once the knowledge was revealed to him, to keep Adam from perpetual life. Verse 22 of chapter 3, makes this point very clear and undebatable.
Lest means to have the intention of preventing something undesirable.
Knowledge would have caused Adam to desire the tree of life, something that would leads to prepuctual life; in other words a succession of offspring. Adam was being kept from the tree of life, which was NOT forbidden in chapter 2:7. The tree of life is the knowledge connecting you to your ancestry and descendants. For the purpose of sustain one's labor force. These are slave codes.
The serpent was demonized because, the serpent was wise. The cobra adorn the crowns of Kushite and Kemetic deities for millennia before the flooding of the Nile River Valley with Caucasian migrants.
It is a matter of fact that the symbolism of the bible agrees that the serpent still represents man connection to the rulership, authority and power of the highest among the supernatural, or God. Moses shaft became a serpent in Exodus 4:3.
Genesis 3:5 the serpent said to Eve.
this is very important to have in mind going forward, but first, please recognize how this verse is altered from the original NKV translation. This difference is very powerful, and will show you have the words, and spelling has been alter to disarm you.Knowledge make one like God; therefore he who has knowledge can consider themselves gods.
This is why the Lord in the Garden was able to consider himself a god. He had knowledge. He was lord, because he possessed land and a subordinate to his labor. Therefore he was Lord to the Laborer, and God because of the knowledge possess which made him sovereign and superior among the ignorant.
The serpent in the Garden of Eden gave Eve information that ultimately emancipated her and Atom her husband. Adam and Eve, we being kept in ignorance. Their nakedness symbolized their innocence, which is the pure form of ignorance, as opposed to Noah, who became naked because of his drinkeness, which is a self inflicted ignorance. More on those difference later. But for now we are focusing on the Lords.
Making you believe the fruits of knowledge of yourself is sinful. And giving you artificial sense of hope for a better life in exchange for the natural life you have given, for labor.This is important for the interpretation of revelations 22; the last chapter of the KJV bible. Where the tree of life is mentioned twice, in verse 2 and 14 for confirmation.
In verse 2, says the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Verse 14 says, those that do his commandments, may have the right to the tree of life.
who? I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End
Keep in mind the tree of life was not forbidden, the tree of knowledge was in Genesis 2:17. The question you should be asking is, why would the “Lord God”, not want Adam to live forever. Forever by definition simply means a very long time. Perpetually, like a bloodline surviving one generation after the next.
The masters of your conquest, historically forbade with the threat of death by lynching for the teaching of a enslaved African.
Lynching comes from “The Lynch Law” which is a form of citizens arrest; terror and murder by a mob without lawful trial. Captain William Lynch a vigilanti from Pittsylvania, Virginia around 1780. He has left his impression in the tradition of the great slavic divide.
You see the dark ages, is not taught to dark people. It’s kept in the dark for a reason. The indentures slav, are another class of slaves. The slav’s are a white race of people, who were enslaved in opposition with western Europe before the conquest of Africa and the western Hemisphere.
The goths, broke up into various rival tribes in their natural migration on the earth. This is what the red cross symbolizes and this is why Russia, is often portrayed in Western media as the enemy of the western democracy, specifically Europe and the Americas. Another tale of brother being placed against brother to enslave them. More on that later.
You know during the time of Nat Turner it was illegal to teach a person how to read, write, or practice the rituals of their native ancestors. This was purposely done in accordance with the scriptures found in English version of Latin bibles.
Major clues are given in Jacobs story: Jacob is Israel personified in Genesis 34 and 35, this is extremely symbolic and relevant to what is really happening in the current world order.
More rabbit trails we have to explore later. But to stay on the point about the tree of knowledge in the garden. Recognize how Jacob hid what he considered impure and foreigners gods, under a terebinth or oak tree. Depending if you are reading the old or new version of the king James bibles. The type of tree is telling, but not the point. The point is what was hidden under the tree. The ancestral knowledge of their traditions and themselves.
Jacobs household was acquired by the deceptive slaughtering of the men in Shechem domain. Due to racism, not rape which is preached. We know by reading the entire story for ourselves.
The bible narrator tells us that, Shechem was a Canaanite native. Canaan was considered the prime land of North Africa before the mass migration of the Hebrews from Mesopotamia. This can be proven in two ways, one by following the river route described in Genesis 2:11–14 telling about Assyrians entering the Ethiopian or Cushite lands. To stay on point, we’ll divulge in later. as represented with the personification of Abram.
Shechem was a Canaanite, he was described in verse 19 as two things, being delighted in Jacobs daughter and the most honorable young man of his wealthy father's household.
The black church has preachers and pastors instead of rabbis who are teachers and healers. Pastors are charged with being the keepers of the flock in the pastures, as in sheep dogs assist the shepard. I.e the lord is my shepherd, which means the master is my shepherd. Sheep herd.
The only successful slave revolt in the America was the Haitian uprising against the french. As a result the offspring have been ostracized from the global ecosystem as lepers.
Your master wanted to be your god. They don’t want you to know your deity is active within you. So they flip the script on us.
You are in fact a embodied spirit having a physical experience.
Once your spirit leaves your body, your organs can be harvested and transplanted into another person to sustain and preserve another life. Or it is bury, or burn to become a new form of energy for other organisms. No matter how you look at it, life continues to cycle with or without your spiritual presence. And noone but the highest of true divine can manifest life. After life, you will not have a brain to remember, nor a nervous system to feel pain or pleasure because these are qualities are functions of your embodiment.
Lord is just a word, it has no real power. The power that word has been programmed in your mind. In the United Kingdom, the English word lord is like the word God, another old English word that derives from gott, goth, guth, and ghau depending on the dialect, but all meaning to call out or to invoke.
Keep in mind in Latin languages the word Deus is used for God, a word that sounds like the Latin deity Zeus.
Deity derives from Deus and divus meaning celestial or shining. This demonstrated what I mean, that the word is not power but the thought is; because different words are used in different languages to invoke power from this universe.
The thought being the signal omitted from your lungs is the power. The thing is your master flipped the script and confused the language to cast the spells on you.
Here’s how. The word Devil comes from deofol, diabolos to slander. And to slander is to make false accusations (of god).
Your master, slandered against your god to make your ancestors subordinate slaves.
The word Lord is used quite often in the UK. The Lord Chancellor is the highest officer of Great Britain, he’s the keeper of the seal, the privy councilor and presiding officer of the House of Lords.
If you are reading this you are in fact an Englishman. And if you are a person that looks in the mirror and see for themselves that their skin is brown of some degree. You using English as a language, is proof of your conquest, the fact that you refer to yourself is confirmation of the identity crisis they’ve transplanted in us. And the duality to confirm this is no coincidence.
The word Lord derives from and old English word “hlaford or hlafweard”; hlaf meaning Loaf and weard as in the warden of a prison. The spelling compounded meant loaf keeper, one who feeds dependants.) This has everything to do with the metaphor of Christ feeding the multitudes.
Ignorance stems from ignoring the natural truth. Ignorance is sustained with belief and the cognitive dissidence it creates. Seduction is the art of leading people astray with in preditoral intent to exploit, which is ill will. This causes the majority of populations to denying anything opposing to their implanted artificial intelligence. The operating system of the conquistadors.
It doesn’t matter how much sense a teacher makes, the student who is not ready to receive the information is unteachable. Knowledge is power only when it is applied. The Lords intentions are simple. If you don’t know who you are, you will never aspire to be what you were destined to be. And you were destined to be sovereign.
Masters know that words form spells. And spells alter the human imagination. The human imagination is the canvas of gods. This is how our reality are formed. This is how the world is formed, from thoughts within the mind. What we see in the world is a relationship between what mankind has made within the realm of the living, and what God the creator has sprouted out of nature.
There are two type of masters. Good kind and an evil one.
A master teacher, as in a sensei who teaches his martial artists how to achieve their fullest potential, is obviously a good master. They’re hope is one day that the students becomes master teacher of the next generation; therefore creating and eternal cycle of life.
Then there’s the slave master, the negative of the two, because of the intentions.
Slave masters possess their subjects abilities to benefit their own fortune and to manifest their own will. A slave master intends to dispel and replace their subjects in the end, therefore knowledge of life is forbidden because it threaten his system of supremacy.
The lords are vain, they enjoy playing the games of thrones, controlling the populations as if their gods of deception, decor and discord.
Atum, in ancient KMT was the creator, that which all flesh manifests. In science, Atom is the most basic element in Kemistry. See the correlations? Adam in the Bible is the first character, captured, enslaved and formed into a labor force.
There’s tons of proof
The Master is revealed in the end as the Great Dragon. keeps you in ignorance by twisting the word of God around, to confuse you.
The House of Lords, and the Lord of host, simply want to harvest the fruits of the earth for themselves. Their only motive is vanity, greed, and lust for power. They are competitive amongst themselves, and yet they collaborate in herding the common people.